The Hannah More 1865

 Queensland Times, Ipswich Herald and General Advertiser (Qld. : 1861 - 1908)  Thu 2 Feb 1865  Page 4

 The Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933)  Fri 17 Mar 1865  Page 6

On 13th November 1864 the Black Ball ship Hannah More sailed from Birkenhead for Brisbane, with 371 emigrants.

My 2nd great-grandparents  Patrick Joseph Doyle and Maria Bridget Doyle (nee Hand), arrived in Australia aboard this ship.

 The Hannah More anchored on 9th March 1865, and was quarantined due to a smallpox outbreak until 30th March.

 The Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933)  

Fri 31 Mar 1865 Page 2

…”Among the 21,000-odd immigrants brought to Queensland in 1865 and 1866 by the Black Ball Line were a large number of railway workers, or navvies, selected in England by Peto, Brassey & Betts, who had the contract for the construction of portion of the southern and western lines in Queensland. In a letter dated 19 December 1864 Jordan was told by the Queensland Government that the railway works in the Colony were progressing so rapidly that the demand for suitable labour could not be met locally. He was requested to accept the nominees of Peto, Brassey & Betts for as many free passengers as they may send. In other words, he was to give free passages to as many navvies as may be forwarded by the contractors or their agents. The usual screening and documentation required in the case of free and assisted immigration was dispensed with. However, when Peto, Brassey & Betts had satisfied their requirements, Jordan, of his own volition, continued to send railway workers to Queensland. His reason for doing so, as he later recalled, was that from the Queensland papers he saw that the railway works demanded an increased supply of labourers and, in his view, any move to stop sending them would have been imprudent and might have proved ruinous to the Colony. The immigration of navvies continued until April 1866, when Jordan read in one of the Queensland papers a report to the effect that the navvies were coming too quickly.”      QUEENSLAND IMMIGRATION AND THE BLACK BALL LINE by WARWICK FOOTE p37

See the entry for the Doyle family on this website: GRANT nee DOYLE - Ireland to Ipswich