Research Trip 2016 - An 1874 tall ship - the James Craig

    As a child I was mesmerised by my first sight of a model of a tall ship - it was magically displayed inside a bottle. I have been in love with tall ships ever since. After decades of researching the ships that my ancestors had journeyed to Australia on, I made my first visit the Australian National Maritime Museum in April 2016. The Sydney Heritage Fleet Head Office is adjacent to the Australian National Maritime Museum and one of the highlights of the day was the time that I spent thoroughly exploring the tall ship James Craig.

    “There are only four operational barques from the 19th Century still capable of sailing. …James Craig is the only one in the Southern Hemisphere. …She is a true restoration, not a replica. James Craig is a representative of the great sailing vessels from a bygone age, the ships which moved produce from the emerging colonies and brought manufactured goods to our shores. She is a tangible link between modern Australia and the days of sail during which this country developed into nationhood. …James Craig is owned by the Sydney Heritage Fleet.”