Cunnamulla 1927 - A Butcher Shop in a drought.

1925 -1926 was one of Qld.’s harshest droughts. Early in 1927 Thomas Henry Grant moved the family from Wyandra back to Cunnamulla. He set up a butcher shop with his son. On several occasions Thomas worked with his daughter Bernadine’s husband, “Sonny”, (Mr A.W. Frazer) to transport sheep to Cunnamulla. Bernadine photographed one of these events, and recorded it in her album. The boy in the third photograph below is probably Alexander William (“Lex”) Frazer.

South-western Queensland experienced a period of almost continuous drought until 1936. [ ]

The Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933)

Mon 24 Oct 1927  Page 11 - TROVE: