Barcaldine 1936 - 1940s - ‘Avonslea’, Elm Street, and a Flower Show

Lamb marking at Avonslea station Nov 1939

(from ‘Lex’ Frazer’s album)

Tom Frazer with Kerry Frazer abt. 1939

 in front of Bernadine’s home in Elm St. Barcaldine

After her husband Sonny’s sudden death in 1936 Bernadine Frazer remained living on the Avonslea property with her children for a couple of years. By 1940 she had moved her family into a house in Elm St. Barcaldine. Notes in The Longreach Leader record some of the visits she had from her sister Rene, her sons Lex and Tom, and her nephew ‘Bryan’ Grant (the son of her only brother, Douglas). They also record her trip to Brisbane with her son Kerry. In 1947 Avonslea was sold, and by 1949 Bernadine had moved to 170 Boundary St. West End, Brisbane.

The Longreach Leader    Sat 1 Feb 1941  Page 7

The First Prize card for Bernadine Frazer’s plate biscuits

  (from her photo album).

The Longreach Leader  Sat 7 Mar 1942  Page 6

The Longreach Leader (Qld. : 1923 - 1954)  

Sat 25 Sep 1943  Page 15

The Longreach Leader   Sat 22 Jan 1944   Page 14

 The Longreach Leader (Qld. : 1923 - 1954)

  Fri 7 Feb 1947 Page 20

The Longreach Leader   Sat 25 Mar 1944  Page 16 

 Barcaldine and District
