Frazer - Marks - Lamb - Stewart - Doody -The case is never closed.

The case is never closed on a genealogical conclusion. …no decision regarding identity, parentage, origin, or other genealogical detail can be considered definitive. …Any decision we make today could be changed tomorrow by the discovery of a new record. 

- Elizabeth Shown Mills in Evidence! : citation & analysis for the family historian. 1997 page 57.

I encourage you to be open to, and to actively seek additional information about the Frazer branch of our ancestors. I am sure that there is still material to be found. Personally, I would love to learn more about James Edward Stewart and his wife Honora nee Doody. Some researchers believe that James Edward Stewart came from England, and that his parents were John Stewart and Harriet Walker. I have not yet been successful in my quest to be able to confirm shipping records for either James Edward Stewart or Honora Doody.
