2016 ’Werona’ revisited
I have already stated that I’m writing with my relatives as the audience in my mind. “I want to share these stories with the family that I know, and with those who are yet to be born.” For this reason I have asked my siblings, and members of their families, to help me to provide additional images of the ‘Werona’ landscape.
In late 2016, (having obtained permission from the present owners) a group of them made a road trip back to ‘Werona’, via Bollon. There had been good rain prior to their visit and so the countryside was green. It was however very hot. Even though it was a ‘flying trip’ the group had time to take hundreds of photos. I am particularly grateful to my nephew David Frazer, who is a gifted photographer, for allowing me to include a collection of his work. I ask that you respect his copyright. It is our hope that in sharing these images family members who may never have the opportunity to visit ’Werona’ will gain some sense of the place.